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Altstädte von Stralsund und Wismar

Freitag, 3. Juli 2015

Side Events im WCCB

Heritage and Arts Education as Education for Sustainable Development
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission
The German Commission for UNESCO, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, organizes a Side Event on synergies between Heritage and Arts Education and Education for Sustainable Development. All concepts aim to preserve resources and values for current and future generations by increasing awareness via education. The side event will present the current state of discussion, good practices from UNESCO and Germany, and will open the discussion on linking the three education agendas, to share experiences and to identify good practices globally.
Kleiner Saal, 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr

25th Anniversary of the Inscription of First Russian Sites on the World Heritage List of UNESCO
Ständige Vertretung der Russischen Föderation bei der UNESCO
Plenarsaal, 13.30 bis 14.30 Uhr

Resilient Cities and UNESCO’s Cooperation for Disaster Risk Reduction
Organisation der Welterbestädte (OWHC), UNESCO-Welterbezentrum und ICCROM
Rheinlobby, 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr

IUCN World Heritage Outlook
Advisory Bodies' Space (Kaminzimmer), 13.20 bis 14.00 Uhr

Nature Culture Linkage in World Heritage Sites: Case Studies from Wilderness and Large Landscapes
Advisory Bodies' Space (Kaminzimmer), 14.10 bis 14.50 Uhr

Bottom-up / top-down: la sensibilisation partagée pour un engagement commun
Schweizerische UNESCO-Nationalkommission
Rheinlobby, 18.30 bis 20.30 Uhr

Side Events außerhalb des WCCB

Konferenz “The Authenticity of the Fortified Churches in Transylvania and the Preservation of their Outstanding Universal Value”
Stiftung der Transylvanischen Wehrkirchen und Evangelische Kirche Rumänien
Rumänisches Generalkonsulat in Bonn, 19.00 Uhr
